kasahorow Sua,

Zîna Togum: Êbrɛ ::: Word Today: Foundation

Pa'asɛ yetɔga woo. ::: Inclusion inside every language.
Gurenɛ ::: English
Mam Tari konkomã'asum. ::: I have a wish. Mam boori yire. ::: I want home.
Mam tu'usɛ mêtta. ::: I meet a builder. Mêtta la sõŋrɛ ma. ::: The builder will help me.
Mam pakrɛ teŋa. ::: I need land.
Mam bu puti'ire la. ::: I start the plan.
Yãŋa, mam maalɛ êbrɛ la. ::: Then, I make the foundation.
êbrɛ ::: foundation, nom.1 ::: nom.1
/êbrɛ/ ::: /foundation/
Gurenɛ ::: English
/ mam Tari êbrɛ ::: I have a foundation
/// tõma Tari êbrɛ ::: we have a foundation
/ fu Tari êbrɛ ::: you have a foundation
/// neriba san zo'e Tari êbrɛ ::: you have a foundation
/ ê Tari êbrɛ ::: she has a foundation
/ a Tari êbrɛ ::: he has a foundation
/// ba Tari êbrɛ ::: they have a foundation

Dicsinaire Yire Gurenɛ ::: English Home Dictionary

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